PhilHealth mHealth Pilot

Rural Health Workers (RHW) are swamped with paperwork needed to comply with PhilHealth's Primary Care Benefits program, which seeks to provide health care for the poorest sectors in the Philippines. Doing a lot of paperwork takes away time from their healthcare activities. SYSTEMA along with the Center for Economic Policy and Research (CEPR) Philippines, were contracted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to conduct a pilot mHealth project to study the feasibility of using mobile devices in the submission for PhilHealth forms by RHWs.



The Solution

SYSTEMA recommended the open source tool called District Health Information System (DHIS2) as the mechanism for the submission of PhilHealth data. DHIS2 was selected, because of its strong track record of successful implementations all over the world. To save on cost, the system was installed and configured on AMAZON's EC2 cloud servers. 


Ubuntu Server, Tomcat, DHIS2, Java, AMAZON EC2, JasperReports

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